Contact Us

Our Mission Statement

Lakes Media Network strives to create high-quality programming for our listeners; target audiences for our advertisers; and to attract, develop and sustain an efficient and highly productive group of broadcast professionals.

Our mission is:

  • To provide high-quality, informative local radio programming to our listeners.
  • To provide the highest quality marketing solutions, results, and customer service for our advertisers.
  • To be ambassadors of goodwill in the markets we serve by promoting their social, retail, and economic growth and development.
  • To provide a professional and goal-oriented working environment for our associates to facilitate their growth as community and broadcasting leaders.
  • To preserve, develop, and promote the traditions and prominence of local community-focused radio broadcasting.
  • We believe that local radio is an integral part of every community we serve, and it is our duty to serve the best interests of the people in all of our communities.

We do local radio right.

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Lakes Media Network (National, Regional Advertisers and Advertising Agencies)

Tom Birch, Owner and President
Street/Mailing Address: 7120 Trenton Ridge Ct, Raleigh, NC 27613
Phone: (919) 341-1804

E-Mail Us

Let us know what you’d like to know more about, and fill out as much or little information about yourself as you’d like. We’ll get back to you with an answer by the next business day.

Station(s) of Interest:

Lakes Media/Danville VA (Local Advertisers: Pittsylvania, Henry Counties VA, Caswell, and Rockingham Counties NC)

Tom Birch, National Advertising Sales (919) 610-7126
Carole Hylton, Danville-South Boston Regional Sales Manager (434) 489-0331
Bobby Taylor, Traffic and Billing Manager (919) 691-2467

Street Address:  1336 Piney Forest Road, Danville, VA 24540
Mailing Address:  PO Box 1603, Oxford NC 27565
Main Phone: (434) 799-1010
WWDN Studio Line: (434) 793-1045
WMPW Studio Line: (833) 796-1059

Lakes Media/South Boston VA (Local Advertisers: Halifax, Mecklenburg, Charlotte Counties VA, Person NC)

Nick Long, VP Emeritus and Account Manager (434) 572-7377
Tom Birch, National Advertising Sales (919) 610-7126
Carole Hylton, Danville-South Boston Regional Sales Manager, (434) 489-0331
Bobby Taylor, Traffic and Billing Manager (919) 691-2467

Street Address: 1210 Porter Lane, South Boston, VA 24572
Mailing Address: PO Box 1603, Oxford NC 27565
Phone: (434) 572-2988

Lakes Media/South Hill VA (Local Advertisers: Mecklenburg, Lunenburg, Charlotte Counties VA, Warren County NC)

Tom Birch, National and Regional Advertising Sales (919) 610-7126
Jimmy Martin, Station Manager and WKSK Morning Show/Tradio Host (434) 447-4007 (ext 1), Mobile (434) 917-2804
Lakisha (Kiki) Mitchell, South Hill Account and Digital Manager, 434-247-2216
Bobby Taylor, Traffic and Billing Manager (919) 691-2467

Mailing Address: PO Box 1603, Oxford NC 27565
Business Phone: (434) 447-4007
WKSK Studio Phone: (434) 447-7128

Lakes Media/Oxford-Henderson-Warrenton (Local Advertisers: Franklin, Granville, Person, Vance, Warren Counties, NC, Mecklenburg, Halifax, Lunenburg, Charlotte Counties VA)

Tom Birch, National and Regional Advertising Sales (919) 610-7126
Kathy Wilkerson, Local Sales, Business and Traffic Manager (919) 482-1892
Bobby Taylor, Operations and Traffic Manager (919) 691-2467
Nell Rankin, Regional Sales Manager (334) 414-8481

Street Address: 109 Hillsboro Street, Oxford, NC 27565
Mailing Address: PO Box 1603, Oxford, NC 27565
Phone: (919) 693-7900
Studio Line: (682) 888-1983